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5 Things to Consider When Buying a Commercial Ice Cream Machine

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Commercial Ice Cream Machines

If you’re looking for a new piece of equipment to add to your food business, a commercial ice cream machine is a great choice. Whether you’re opening an ice cream shop, concession stand, cafeteria, or any other type of restaurant, these units are a great way to boost your revenue and keep your customers coming back.

1. The Capacity of Your Commercial Soft Serve Ice Cream Machine

How much ice cream you’ll need to produce is the most important consideration when purchasing your commercial ice cream machine. You’ll want to get one that can easily handle your daily ice cream demand, especially if you’re planning on using it to sell multiple flavors.

2. The Type of Ice Cream you’ll Make

For your commercial ice cream maker to be useful, it should be capable of making different kinds of desserts, such as ice cream, custard, gelato, and sorbet. Aside from these, some commercial ice cream machines can also be used to create shakes and ice cream sundaes.

3. The Pressurized or Pump Models

If you’re serving a lot of ice cream, a pressure-fed or pressurized soft serve machine can help save you money in the long run. This is because it can control overrun (the amount of air whipped into the mix) more effectively than gravity machines.

4. The Air Pump for Lighter, Fluffier Products

Aside from offering a lighter, more fluffy product, air pump soft serve ice cream machines can also help you increase your production. This can help you save money in the long run and allow you to serve more ice cream cones at once.

commercial ice cream machine

Choosing a Commercial Soft Serve Ice Cream Machine

If you’re looking to serve ice cream at your restaurant, cafe, or other business, a commercial soft serve ice cream machine is a great option. It’s easy to use and will deliver a good ROI.

The right machine for your business will depend on a number of factors, including the amount of ice cream you plan to sell. It will also need to accommodate the space you have available and your financial budget.

There are many options to choose from, so it’s important to understand your needs before making a decision. The main considerations are number of flavors, capacity (countertop or floor models), feed system (gravity or pressure), and cooling systems (air-cooled or water-cooled).

Single Flavor & Two Flavor Dispensers:

If you only plan on serving soft serve in a small amount, like in an addition to pie or a small dessert buffet table, then you’ll probably want a single flavor ice cream machine. For bigger servings, you’ll need a dual flavor model with the ability to dispense two different flavors at once.

Air Cooled or Water Cooled:

Choosing a commercial soft serve ice cream machine that is air-cooled will allow you to place it where you like, without needing a water hook-up. It will also keep the ice cream at a constant temperature. This is beneficial if you plan on running the machine during the summer months when temperatures can rise. It’s also better for keeping the ice cream fresher, which helps maintain quality.

commercial ice cream machines

Commercial Ice Cream Machines

Commercial ice cream machines are perfect for restaurants, cafes and other businesses that want to sell a wide variety of ice cream. They are easy to operate, maintain and clean.

A hopper agitator, which is available on some high-end models, helps improve consistency and prevents product separation. It also reduces the time needed to prepare each batch, which saves you money.

Flavor Selections and Capacity (Countertop or Floor Model)

When choosing a commercial ice cream machine, you will need to consider the number of flavors it can dispense, its capacity, its feed system (gravity or pressure) and its cooling system (air-cooled or water-cooled). The right ice cream machine for your business will be different from the one for another.

Overnight Preservation Modes

If your commercial ice cream machine has an overnight preservation mode, you can save your ice cream mixture for the next day. This saves you money and makes it easier to keep the ice cream at an ideal temperature throughout the day.

Energy-Efficient Options

Most ice cream machines use electricity to freeze and produce the ice cream. They can consume a lot of power so it's important to buy an energy-efficient model.

Electricity costs are high so it's a good idea to invest in a model that uses less energy than you would expect. Some machines have sleep modes and wireless connections that conserve energy by shutting down during periods of inactivity.

commercial ice cream machine

commercial ice cream machines

commercial soft serve ice cream machine

Jin Li Sheng is a professional manufacturer of Commercial Ice Cream Machine, With 20 years manufacturing experiences.